Regular maintenance is vital for keeping your vehicle on the road. The time and effort you put into keeping up
with scheduled maintenance will save you a lot of money in the long run. Your vehicle manufacturer came up
with a maintenance schedule and service intervals that are specific to your car or truck, but check out
our easy to follow regular maintenance checklists to keep up with your vehicles needs. There are procedures
and checklists that your car needs at varying intervals. We’ve divided them up by the calendar, offering you
maintenance checklists to perform every three months, six months, and annually. Keep up with these easy
jobs to save yourself a bundle.
Tuning and brakes
An automobile is a complex integration of many mechanical devices. Tuning up your car is the process of
maintaining and enhancing the mechanical performance of an automobile. This tuning typically includes
adjustments to power, handling, and overall performance. Cars require periodic maintenance to work
properly. Each area of the car has specific maintenance include oil changes, spark plug replacement, and
brake replacement.
Mechanical Problems
Auto repair is typically performed by automobile mechanics who have experience in automobile diagnostics.
Determining the issues of a defective automobile is a skill that takes many years to develop. There are
different types of diagnostic techniques in use today. These typically include computer tests, road tests,
customer interviews, and basic problem solving techniques. Automobile defects are typically divided into
three primary categories. These are motor, drivetrain, and general electronics. Auto diagnostics requires an
understanding of each category. The mechanic will use different techniques depending on the category
of the defect.